Δημοσιεύσεις σε Διεθνή Περιοδικά
1. PC3 Component database for Community – based medical trials. A cost-effective solution for both voluntary associations and institutions of the Emerging World.
- Gazz Med Ital – Arch Sci Med 2004, 163: 189-194
2. SESY-Europe: a multi-language database dedicated to cancer screening monitoring.
- J. Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2004 SEP; 23 (3) 441-5
3. Screening chest radiography in Primary Care: an underestimate belief
- Eur J. Gen Pract 2005/11 (2): 76-77
4. Screening chest Radiography: Results from a Greek cross – Sectional Survey
- BMC Public Health 2006 Apr. 29; 6 (1):13
5. Old habits die hard: chest radiography for screening purposes in primary care
- Am J. Manag Care 2006 Nov.; 12 (11): 650-6
6. Socio – demographic status and alcool drinking patterns among Greek healthy adults
- Cent Eur J. Public Health 2006 Dec; 14 (4): 160-7. (4)
7. Cancer screening in Greece. Guideline awareness and prescription behavior among Hellenic Physicians.
- Eur J. Intern Med. 2008 Oct.; 19 (6): 452-60 Epub 2008 Mar. 12.